| Table of contents Enfermería (Montevideo) vol.12 no.2 Montevideo 2023 Editorial | | | | · To live with dignity, to die recognized Pastorino, Miguel Ángel
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Implications in caring for a sick family member: black women caregivers Trindade Coelho, Camila; Griebeler Oliveira, Stefanie; Eisenhardt de Mello, Fernanda
| | | | · Risky sexual behaviours related to sexually transmitted infections in a Shuar community of Taisha, Ecuador Jiménez Brito, Doriz; Sanhueza-Alvarado, Olivia
| | | | · The situational analysis of grounded theory in health: an integrative review of the postmodern variant of grounded theory Ramírez-Pereira, Mirliana; Figueredo-Borda, Natalie; Opazo-Morales, Esmérita; Oteiza-Diaz, Cristina; Ferrada-Muñoz, Mónica
| | | | · Review on successful nursing interventions in sexual education in adolescents Arriagada, Carla Salazar; González, Fernanda Zapata; Aros, Stephania Pérez; Ailef, Yannyra Rosas; Aros, Rocío Sierpe; Arévalo, Lorena Paredes
| | | | · Criteria related to newborns’ safe hospital discharge: An integrative review Oliveira de Araujo, Cintia Maria Magalhães; dos Santos Silva, Camila Tahis; Lavínia de Carvalho Macedo, Flávia; Costa da Silva, Josielson; Teixeira Palombo, Cláudia Nery; Dias Felix Martins, Ridalva
| | | | · Perception and satisfaction of Nursing students with virtual education in times of the COVID-19 Canova-Barrios, Carlos Jesús; Méndez, Patricia Graciela; Sosa, Liliana Rosa; Flores, Marcela Anahí; Rodríguez, Mónica Andrea; Hernández, Silvina Soledad
| | | | · Obstetric violence in the abortion process Araújo Moreira, Michelle; Santana de Souza, Amanda; Moreira Oliveira, Pedro; Xavier de Souza, Mariana; de Araújo Junior, José Carlos; Santos Ribeiro, Polliana
| | | | · Realistic simulation as a training strategy for the health team Wakassugui De Rocco, Kelen Mitie; Gorete Nicolete Pereira, Maria; Lourenço de Almeida, Caroline; Haddad, Maria do Carmo; da Penha Martins, Eleine Aparecida
| | | | · Intensive Care Unit Resource Management in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic Reis Macedo, Luis Fernando; de Siqueira Coelho Lisboa, Kenya Waléria; de Lima Pinto, Sarah; Santiago Lemos de Beltrão, Izabel Cristina
| | | | · Social Representations of Women in the Pregnancy-Puerperal Cycle on Obstetric Violence Araújo Moreira, Michelle; Xavier de Souza, Mariana
| | | | · Sleep Quality and Chronotype and its Relationship with Obesity in the Adult Population. Narrative Bibliographic Review Serra Laborde, Paula Lucía; Torterolo Pizzuti, Caterina; Calvo Pesce, María Soledad
| | | | · Variables that Influence the Performance of Nursing Students at the Universidad del Magdalena in the SABER PRO Tests Canova-Barrios, Carlos Jesús; Acosta-Salazar, Diana Patricia; Torres-Barrios, Leonardo Andrés; Álvarez-Miño, Lidice
| | | Lista de revisores | | | | · Lista de revisores 2022-2023
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