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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão impressa ISSN 0004-0584versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
GUTIERREZ, Carmen et al. Sudden infant death: 591 cases analysis. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2017, vol.88, n.1, pp.12-18. ISSN 0004-0584.
Background: sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) carries an impediment to sign the death certificate. A legal autopsy is mandatory to exclude unnatural death. To know the cause of death in infancy is relevant to health authorities and paediatrics. Objectives: to investigate the pathologies and risk factors in the cases of SUDI studied. Methods: autopsies between October 1998 and December 2015 were analysed. There was a free interval (2002 to 2006). It does not include every case of SUDI in the local population. The clinical records were gathered, the circumstances of death investigated and the family was interviewed. The cases were discussed in a multidisciplinary team. The cases were classified as Explained Death or Undetermined. The undetermined deaths were classified either as Gray Zone (GZ) or SIDS cases. Six categories were considered in GZ. To consider a case as SIDS, a safe sleep environment is required; that means no co-sleeping, no prone sleeping and no pillows use that could eventually cause suffocation. Cases were coded as GZ when a clear cause of death was not identified, but abnormalities were found that could have predisposed or contributed to death. GZ were divided in 6 categories. Results: 591 cases were examined. A cause of death was identified in 339 cases (57.4%). In 252 cases, it was undetermined (42.6%). A respiratory infection was found in 29% of the autopsies (50% of the explained deaths). A cardiac anomaly was found in 15%; dehydration secondary to diarrhoea in 4.5%; suffocation in 3%; a violent cause was identified in 1.5%. There were variations between both periods (1998-2001 and 2007-2015). 252 deaths remained unexplained after the autopsy (42.6%), these were the undetermined cases. 242 were classified as Gray Zone (GZ) and 10 as SIDS cases. 91% of the evaluable GZ cases <4 months old had an unsafe sleeping environment. Co-sleeping was observed in 72% of the evaluable <4 month cases; it was mainly multiple or associated with prone sleeping position. In newborns, 81% of the evaluable ZG cases had a sleep related risk factor. Conclusions: The study improved allowed to identify pathologies amenable to intervention and prevention (respiratory infections, prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease). Sleep related risk factors were identified, amenable to prevention through community education programs.