| Sumário CLEIej vol.19 no.1 Montevideo abr. 2016 Artigos Originais | | | | · Impact of Thresholds and Load Patterns when Executing HPC Applications with Cloud Elasticity Facco Rodrigues, Vinicius; Rostirolla, Gustavo; da Rosa Righi, Rodrigo; André da Costa, Cristiano; Victória Barbosa, Jorge Luis
| | | | · Balancing Energy and Performance in Dense Linear System Solvers for Hybrid ARM+GPU platforms Silva, Juan P.; Dufrechou, Ernesto; Ezzatti, Pablo; Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S.; Remón, Alfredo; Benner, Peter
| | | | · Assessing a Methodological Proposal for the Design, Creation and Evaluation of Learning Objects Oriented to Educators with Diverse Educational and Technological Competencies Maldonado, Jorge J.; Bermeo, Jorge L.; Pacheco, Guillermo
| | | | · PICTOAPRENDE: Design and evaluation of a tool that contributes to the personal autonomy of children and youth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in Ecuador Cárdenas, Andrea; Segovia, Edison; De la Cruz, Danni; Mejía, Paúl; Paredes, Nancy; Tobar, Johanna
| | | | · Philosophy of Computer Science and its Effect on Education: Towards the Construction of an Interdisciplinary Group da Rosa, Sylvia; Chmiel, Alejandro; Gómez, Federico
| | | | · Vulcanus 2.0: A Recommender System for Accessibility Gomes Cardoso, Ismael; Mota, Bruno; Victória Barbosa, Jorge Luis; da Rosa Righi, Rodrigo
| | | | · Combining Leaf Shape and Texture for Costa Rican Plant Species Identification Carranza-Rojas, Jose; Mata-Montero, Erick
| | | | · An Adaptive and Hybrid Approach to Revisiting the Visibility Pipeline da Cunha, Ícaro L. L; Gonçalves, Luiz M. G.
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