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Agrociencia Uruguay

versión On-line ISSN 2730-5066


GAZZANO, I. et al. Agroecology in Uruguay: characterisation of contributions at the 2020 Latin American Congress. Agrocienc. Urug. [online]. 2022, vol.26, n.nspe3, e971.  Epub 01-Dic-2022. ISSN 2730-5066.

Agroecology is a broad discipline that is focused on analyzing the alimentary system in its political, multidimensional and multiscale way. The participation of Uruguay in the 8th Latin-American Congress of Agroecology 2020 has increased in comparison to previous congresses. In this occasion a total of 70 works were presented by Uruguayan's authors, while the average number of works in the last five congresses had been 22. In this frame, it is important to improve the analysis about the generation of knowledge on agroecology in Uruguay in order to drive the development of this discipline. In this article, we characterize the work presented by Uruguayan authors and develop a qualitative analysis of its contents using the following analytical categories: agroecology, participation, disciplinary and type of analysis. We registered a total of 191 authors. Most of the works were developed in a collaborative way; women were more productive than men. In the analytical category “agroecology”, we identified ecological, cultural, integral and technical approaches. In the disciplinary category we detected disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary approaches. In the participation category we detect two types: passive and interactive. Regarding the type of analysis most works were descriptive, followed by reflexive works. The relation between categories detected two main groups: A group formed by works with ecological and technical approaches developed in a discipline manner and with passive participation; another one containing integral agroecological works with interdisciplinary approaches. It is important to notice absences such as transdisciplinary, auto-mobilization and purposeful works, which generate new questions.

Palabras clave : knowledge generation; Latin American Congress of Agroecology; knowledge networks.

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