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Revista Uruguaya de Medicina Interna
versão On-line ISSN 2393-6797
PEREZ PAPADOPULOS, Amalia Verónica; ORMAECHEA GORRICHO, Gabriela e ARAQUE, Sara Hernández. Usefulness of parenteral iron in iron deficiency patients with or without anemia in a Multidisciplinary Heart Failure Unit: a national experience. Rev. Urug. Med. Int. [online]. 2022, vol.7, n.3, pp.16-25. Epub 01-Dez-2022. ISSN 2393-6797.
Patients with Heart Failure (HF) are a very complex group, with multiple comorbidities and multi-medicated with a high rate of readmission due to decompensation. Iron deficiency has emerged as a frequent comorbidity that needs to be systematically investigated, given the importance of a timely and adequate treatment to improve quality of life and reduce hospitalization and mortality. Parenteral iron treatment has shed light on a holistic approach to patient care and has favorably impacted the evolution of patients in international studies, which has resulted in the incorporation of parenteral iron use in international guidelines for the management of patients with iron deficiency in HF. Regarding available types of iron, carboxymaltose iron is chosen because its administration is convenient, and it is possible to provide high doses of iron in a single administration.
To determine the clinical impact of parenteral iron administration in a population of HF patients with reduced ejection fraction who present iron deficiency with or without anemia in a Multidisciplinary Heart Failure Unit (UMIC, in Spanish).
This is a prospective cohort study. Patients with HF who presented a reduced ejection fraction < 40% were included; over 18 years of age, of any gender; with HF of any etiology; in a stable clinical situation and with prior informed consent. Patients on previous iron or erythropoietin treatment, transfused in the last 3 months and / or with a history of iron anaphylaxis were excluded. Iron metabolism and blood count were requested at the beginning. Iron deficiency was defined as ferritin < 100ug/ l or between 100 and 300ug / l and an IST < 20%. Iron carboxymaltose was administered according to weight and baseline hemoglobin. NYHA Functional Class (NYHA FC) was recorded and a quality-of-life test (Minnesota questionnaire) and a 6-minute walk test were performed before and after iron administration. The statistical software used for data processing was STATA v.16.0. The statistical significance value was set at alpha 0.05.
47 patients were included: 29 women and 18 men. Ischemic etiology was the most prevalent: 44.7%; idiopathic 23.4%, hypertensive 10.6% and valvular 10.6%. Out of the patients with iron deficiency included, 44.7% did not have anemia. Before the iron administration 79% were in NYHA FC I or II, 21% in NYHA FC III, no patients were in NYHA FC IV; the average value of the Minnesota questionnaire was 59 and the average 6-minute walk test (TM6M) was 180m. After iron administration, the Minnesota questionnaire value was 41.5 and the mean 6M walk was 240m, which was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05).
The experience with the use of parenteral iron in patients with iron deficiency and HF at UMIC has clearly been beneficial. A positive impact is evidenced in the quality-of-life test and the 6-minute walk test. The results support the search and treatment of iron deficiency not related to the existence of anemia. This first national experience places us at the same level of international centers, prioritizing the systematic consideration of treatment.
Palavras-chave : heart failure; functional class; iron deficiency.