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Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados
versão impressa ISSN 1688-8375versão On-line ISSN 2393-6606
PARRA GIORDANO, Denisse et al. Nurses’ perception of pain management in children in a Hospital Oncology Service in Chile. Enfermería (Montevideo) [online]. 2020, vol.9, n.2, pp.85-99. Epub 01-Dez-2020. ISSN 1688-8375.
Inadequate pain management in children continues to be a problem. Pain is a frequent symptom in hospitalized children, being an excellent challenge for nursing, understanding that childhood pain in cancer is multifactorial, which makes its management difficult. The objective is to know the perception of nursing professionals regarding pain management in pediatric oncology people hospitalized during the second half of 2017. Methodology: This research is part of the constructivist paradigm focusing on grounded theory, descriptive with qualitative design. A study carried out at the Hemato-Oncology Service of the Roberto del Río Hospital proposed. Six nurses participate in a semi-structured interview for subsequent content analysis. Results: They are female subjects, mainly young adults and for the majority this constitutes their first work experience. The qualitative analysis allowed structuring the perception of pain management in four categories with subcategories: Definition of Pain: Concept of Pain, Pain in the service, Relevance of Pain. Pain assessment: Subjectivity in assessment, Application of rating scales, Personal experience, Family role in pain assessment. Care planning: Role of the family in pain management, Individualization of care, Teamwork. Pain management: Pharmacological treatment, Non-pharmacological treatment. Conclusions: It is possible to know the nurses' perception of pain, understanding boys and girls as a multifactorial being, which requires an adequate assessment, integrating pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment for remission.
Palavras-chave : Pain Management; Nursing; Child; Medical Oncology; Pain.