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vol.14 número1AVANCES EN PROTECCIÓN PULPAR DIRECTA CON MATERIALES BIOACTIVOSMateriales para Prótesis Provisionales índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Actas Odontológicas

versão impressa ISSN 1510-8139versão On-line ISSN 2393-6304


PARODI ESTELLANO, Gustavo. Root Caries Lesions: Etiology, diagnosis and clinical managment. Actas Odontol. [online]. 2017, vol.14, n.1, pp.14-27. ISSN 1510-8139.

As all caries lesions, root caries reflect a continuous tissue change. It is essential to diagnose symptoms before these lesions become cavitated. For the same reason, and in order to be able to decide between invasive and non-invasive modalities, the dynamics of the formation of the carious lesion must be perfectly understood.

This paper reviews the etiology, diagnostic criteria and risk factors for root surface caries, and also discusses prevention and therapeutics, with a special emphasis on remineralization procedures and a non-invasive approach to this problem.

Palavras-chave : root caries; geriatrics; remineralization; fluorides; chlorhexidine; diaminne silver fluoride.

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