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HUAYANCA RIOS, Ingrid Estefania; MARTINEZ VEGA, Johan Jonathan; GAMARRA TINOCO, Gonzalo Bernie  e  MATTOS-VELA, Manuel Antonio. Biosafety in dentistry in the context of COVID-19. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2022, vol.24, n.39, e308.  Epub 01-Jun-2022. ISSN 0797-0374.


To compare the biosafety protocols of nine Latin American countries, the changes in biosafety measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their impact on the dental practice.


A literature search was conducted using the keywords “coronavirus,” “dentistry,” “biosafety,” “COVID-19,” “pandemic,” “dental care,” and “protocols.” We searched for articles on biosafety in the “COVID-19” category published between January and December 2020 in SciELO, Redalyc, SCOPUS, the Regional Portal of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), and on the official websites of the World Health Organization and the ministries of health of Latin American countries.


The biosafety protocols implemented in each country do not differ significantly, except for some specific measures based on a given country’s specific context. We found that the economic and emotional impact of COVID-19 was negative.

Palavras-chave : biocontainment; dentistry; protocols; pandemics; COVID-19.

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