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Inmediaciones de la Comunicación
versão impressa ISSN 1510-5091versão On-line ISSN 1688-8626
RODRIGUEZ, Guillermo et al. Communication, Technological integration and educational innovation. Multidimensional analysis of a case in STEAM careers. Inmediac. Comun [online]. 2024, vol.19, n.1, pp.116-134. Epub 01-Jun-2024. ISSN 1510-5091.
The paper works on the adaptation of a communication model applied to the analysis of teaching-learning experiences that linked the construction of knowledge with the use of digital technologies. In this sense, a case study has been analyzed referred to an activity carried out within the framework of a career in the area of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics which in turn included criteria linked to the Arts (STEAM, its acronym in English). The students had to design and build a plaything as a group, explicitly integrating concepts linked to the aforementioned areas. The four conceptual dimensions of the model: Institutional, Social, Technological and Intermediate, were taken as a starting point for its observation. The first conclusions show the analytical richness of the model and the propositional contributions to rethink experiences with similar characteristics. It is determined that the development of mediated educational practices, with a pedagogical proposal that includes the participation-action of teachers and students, strengthens the transdisciplinary perspective in STEAM careers, making it possible not only to contribute to the learning of digital technologies, but also to promote technological innovation under the modality of physical-virtual Fab Lab workshops.
Palavras-chave : higher education; Fab Lab; STEAM; educational practices; mediatization.