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Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad
versão On-line ISSN 1688-7026
XIMENES, Verônica Morais; ESMERALDO FILHO, Carlos Eduardo; XAVIER, Natacha Farias e MONTEIRO, Natália Bizerra Pimentel. Relation between poverty and wellbeing in rural communities in Brazil. Psicol. Conoc. Soc. [online]. 2020, vol.10, n.1, pp.98-121. Epub 01-Jun-2020. ISSN 1688-7026.
Poverty is a complex multidimensional phenomenon. The relation of poverty with wellbeing, in general, are present in the incompatibility between these two aspects. The objective is to analyze the impacts of poverty and its repercussions on the wellbeing of the population of rural communities in Brazil. The quantitative methodology with the application of a questionnaire with Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) in Pentecoste (Ceará), Cascavel (Paraná) and Humaitá (Amazonas) communities. A total of 1,156 individuals participated, with 1,113 valid questionnaires with 328 (29.7%) questionnaires answered by men and 777 (70.3%) by women. In Humaitá and Pentecoste, 376 people participated and in Cascavel, there were 361 people. Pentecoste was the community with the highest multidimensional poverty (MPI = 0.32, SD = 0.11), followed by Humaitá (MPI = 0.31, SD = 0.11) and Cascavel, community with lower multidimensional poverty (MPI = 0.28, SD = 0.11). Pentecost showed the highest average of wellbeing (M = 7.78), followed by Cascavel (M = 7.42) and Humaitá (M = 7,13). The relation between multidimensional poverty and well-being presented the contradictions among higher income and greater well-being, considering that the level of well-being of the respondents was high, even living in contexts of poverty. Then the proposal of discussing well-being from the perspective of buen vivir demands a broad process of reflections and discussions that points to the need to incorporate collectivist values and the ethics of sufficiency for the whole community when analyzing mainly the rural contexts.
Palavras-chave : Poverty; wellbeing; rural community.