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Ciencias Psicológicas
versión On-line ISSN 1688-4221
DASET CARRETTO, Lilian R.; LOPEZ SOLER, Concepción y HIDALGO MONTESINOS, María Dolores. Empiric syndromes in a youth population, assessed by the YSR. Cienc. Psicol. [online]. 2009, vol.3, n.1, pp.67-82. ISSN 1688-4221.
The study of adolescent populations, considered from an empirical and epidemiologic perspective, responds to the need for psychopathological profiles and for prosocial aspects, which may be useful in the policy formulation process in every field, especially when the country’s resources are scarce and the sector’s demands are increasing. This work focuses on the study of the psychopathological and sociodemographic characteristics, as well as on the study of competencies, in an adolescent population of high school students in an educational institution of the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. The specific objective developed on this paper, refers to the adjustment of Youth Self-Report (Achenbach et al, 1978) to a uruguayan youth population, analyzing the scale’s factorial structure and contrasting these findings with those found in other countries. Thus, our findings are compared with those originated by Lopez Soler in Spain (1998) as well as with those described by the scale’s original author. The taxonomic structure obtained comprises the following Syndromes: Depression-Anxiety, Somatic Complaints; Dissocial; Opposition-Impulsivity; Alteration in Thought Processes; Withdrawal-Avoidance, Immaturity; Fear; Social Problems and also, the Prosocial Syndrome. The results show significant coincidences with the studies of reference
Palabras clave : Adolescence; Psychopathology; Empirical Taxonomies; YSR.