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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versión impresa ISSN 0004-0584versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249
DEWAELE, Rita et al. Fecal calprotectin levels in healthy children younger than 4 years old. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2018, vol.89, suppl.1, pp.34-40. ISSN 0004-0584.
calprotectin is a protein with bacteriostatic properties, found in cytoplasmic neutrophils. Concentration in fecal matter increases in inflammatory processes of the intestinal mucous membrane, being it an inflammation marker. Quantification involves a non-invasive method, stable during processing. Fecal calprotectin concentration is highly sensitive to differentiate between organic and functional disease and has a high positive predictive value for the finding of endoscopic lesions. It evidences low specificity to distinguish the inflammation’s etiology. Fecal calprotectin concentration (FCC) varies according to age. Higher concentrations have been found in children younger than 4 years old, what may be explained by the following factors: greater migration of neutrophils in the mucous during the development of oral tolerance, regulation of gut microbiota, non-mature epithelial tissue and the context the child grows in as a permanent stimulation for his immune system. Thus, cut off has not been established yet for this age group.
to learn about FCC in healthy children younger than 4 years old to determine normal values or cut off. To determine values according to age and sex.
descriptive study with an analytic component. A sample of the children who undergo a coproparsitary test upon entering school is taken. A healthy child is regarded to: have no personal history of chronic disease, no symptoms at least in the 4 weeks prior to the sample being taken. Good growth is defined as per the WHO curves. Samples included came from different regions in the Montevideo metropolitan area. The RIDASCREEN® kit was used.
155 samples were analysed, 73 of them corresponding to boys and 82 to girls. As to age: younger than 1 year old (n= 11), from 1 to 2 years old (n= 36), from 2 to 3 years old (n= 45), from 3 to 4 years old (n= 63). Median concentration was 152.2 mg/kg (Percentile 50). Range 4.1 to 1944 mg/kg. Our cut off was 954 mg/kg (percentile 95). Wolcoxon test was applied (p= 0.68) and Kruskal Wallis test (p=0.06), no significant differences were found between sex and age groups respectively. We obtained a normal limit of 954 mg/Kg. No difference was found in the concentration for different sex or age. Limitations of our study result from the size of the sample and the fact that all samples correspond to Montevideo.
Palabras clave : Leukocyte L1 antigen complex.