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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão impressa ISSN 0004-0584versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
CHIESA, Pedro; RIOS, Mateo; CERUTI, Beatriz e GUTIERREZ, Carmen. Congenital aortic valve stenosis. What can we expect? How should we act?. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2018, vol.89, n.2, pp.113-121. ISSN 0004-0584.
Congenital aortic valve stenosis in children is a heart disease that must be adequately evaluated. The potential degree of severity should be especially considered for a timely treatment in order to prevent sudden death. Guidelines for the diagnosis, recognition of severity and therapeutic action are suggested. Finally, the study presents four clinical cases, with the applied treatment and follow up.
Palavras-chave : Aortic valve stenosis; Congenital heart defects.