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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versão impressa ISSN 0004-0584versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249


GONZALEZ, Sebastián et al. Filmed documentation of mechanical ventilation in an animal model. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2016, vol.87, suppl.1, pp.S11-S19. ISSN 0004-0584.

Introduction: learning about mechanical ventilation (MV) in pediatrics requires time and several educational strategies. In recent years, videopodcast has been used for medical training. Objectives: to prepare a filmed documentary of the basic elements in respiratory mechanics during MV in an animal model. To create a videopodcast to train human resources specialized in MV in pediatrics. Material: different sequences of MV with ventilator and manual ventilation were prepared. Lungs were accessed through thoracotomy and MV was started in a pig. Monitored data from the ventilator was simultaneously recorded, the same as the live visualization of the visible lung for each sequence. Two specialists in pediatrics intensive care analysed the recording while it was edited and composed a script explaining what was observed. Results: a video was edited with the different sequences expected: basal MV, MV with zero PEEP, increasing PEEP levels, MV with self-inflating bag, traqueal suction with open and closed traqueal suction systems and manual ventilation with an operator. A videopodcast with explanatory subtitles was edited. Discussion: digital resources are increasingly being used to train physicians and disseminate several medical techniques. Today, videopodcast constitutes a new educational tool. A model was designed to train human resources in MV under this format. This experience will be used to build up a new university video library to assist the training in pediatric critical care and to disseminate biomedical experiments.


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