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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão impressa ISSN 0004-0584versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
D’ACOSTA, Lucia et al. Consultation of children in need of palliative care to the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center’s, Pediatric Emergency Department 2014-2015. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2016, vol.87, n.4, pp.332-341. ISSN 0004-0584.
Introduction: the assistance of children in need of Palliative Care (CP) in pediatric emergency services is a challenge for health teams. Objective: To describe the prevalence of consultations, health problems and characteristics of children in need of PC assisted in the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center Pediatric Emergency Department. Methodology: descriptive, retrospective study between 20/06/ 2014- 19/06/2015. Variables: age, health condition, prosthesis, previous consultation, attending pediatrician, relation with Pediatric Palliative Care Unit (UCPP), advanced care plan and condition at discharge. Results: 175 children in need of PC were included which represented 0.7% (340 / 46,706) of consultations in the period. Median age: 5.7 years (1 month - 16 years); 65% had severe neurological impairment; 50.3% carried prosthesis or medical technological devices (11% more than one); reason for consultation was: 42% infections, 42% (81% respiratory), 20. 3% neurological problems (87% seizures); 93% presented a previous consultation for the same reason; 66.3% reported having an attending pediatrician; 42.3% were under UCPP assistance; 20% had advanced care plan. At discharge: 39% were admitted in moderate care; 2% in intensive care. No deaths were recorded. Conclusion: the different situations and characteristics of the patients included represent the complexity of their clinical condition and may be related to possible difficulties in addressing their problems at the primary care level or their provinces of origin.