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vol.80 número3Hallazgos placentarios en casos de parálisis cerebral índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249


TANGARI, Elsa; TALASIMOV, Carolina; CABALEIRO, Mariela  e  ALBERTI, Marta. Relación entre nivel de glicemia y morbimortalidad en el paciente pediátrico crítico. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2009, vol.80, n.3, pp.168-177. ISSN 1688-1249.

Children in critical situation frequently have hyperglycemia due to stress which in different publications has been related to a higher morbidity and mortality. Objective: determine the prevalence of hyperglycemia in critically ill patients and its relationship with the morbidity and mortality raise. Material and methods: 96 critically ill patients between 1 month of age and 14 years old who required intensive care (required more than 24 hours of mechanical respiratory assistance - MRA) in a period of 6 months, were studied. Glycemia values were registered from the first day until the seventh. During the first two days it was done every 6 hours, the next three days every twelve hours and daily until the seventh day. Results: the prevalence of hyperglycemia at the intensive care unit was 68%. 10% of the patients died which 70% of them had high glycemia values. Patients who died had after 48 hours higher values than the ones who survived (p=0,005). The highest value after 48 hours at the unit was the best death risk predictor. A relationship between persistent hyperglycemia and MRA was established (p<0,001); inotropic requirement (p<0,001) and stay at the intensive care unit (p 0,035). Conclusions: persistent hyperglycemia where values were of 126 mg/dl or higher during the hospital stay was associated with a higher morbidity and mortality in the critically ill patient.


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