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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
MUINO, Adriana; TORELLO, Patricia e BREA, Silvia. Función pulmonar en niños asmáticos con sobrepeso-obesidad. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2009, vol.80, n.2, pp.109-115. ISSN 1688-1249.
Introduction: the impact of obesity in asthmatic adults in lung function is well known. Studies in children and adolescents are scarce. The mechanic and inflammatory effects determine a decrease in pulmonary volumes and expiratory flow which can affect this population. Objective: to determine the effects of the body mass index rise over lung function. Method: a cross sectional study which included asthmatic children and adolescents who performed a spirometry. Airflow limitation was defined as FEV1/VFC was less or equal to 75%. A linear regression model evaluated the BMI over the lung function by sex using STATA 9.0. Results: 559 asthmatics were included; 40,4% were female, with an average age of 9,8±2,20. 112 children had limited air flow (20,01%), 37 of them (6,6%) had an FEV1 < 70% of the expected value for age, sex and height. The data analyzed showed a lower vital capacity in girls and a higher FEV1/VFC (p<0,001). The linear regression model showed that the rise of one unit in BMI determines an important decrease in FEV/VFC of – 0,65% in girls and -0.48% in boys. For age and height, the results remain significant (-0,41% in females and -0,31% in males). Conclusions: the rise of BMI determines a limitation of expiratory flow, being the decrease of FEV/FVC more important in females.