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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
TORELLO, Patricia; MUINO, Adriana e BREA, Silvia. ¿Existen diferencias entre los asmáticos con peso normal y los de sobrepeso-obesidad?. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2009, vol.80, n.2, pp.99-106. ISSN 1688-1249.
Background: the prevalence of asthma and obesity has increased. That has get to speculation they may be related. Objectives: to describe and analyze the factors associated to overweight/obesity in asthmatic children and teenagers. Methods: cross sectional study with asthma diagnosis by "Global Initiative for Asthma" (GINA). BMI and percentiles for each age and gender were calculated (CDC, 2000) defining overweight and obesity study groups. Results: 559 patients, 226 (40,4 %) were female, aged 9,08 ± 2,20 years. The age of the first asthmatic attack was at 2,36 ± 2,50. 23,8% had intermittent asthma, 33,8% had persistent mild asthma, 37,6% had persistent moderate asthma and 4,8% had severe asthma. In average FEV1/FVC was 82,42 ± 9,51% with FEV1 97,53 ± 17,38%. 17,9% of them were overweight and 13,2% were obese. Girls were more overweight and obese. (OR 1,52 IC95% 1,06-2,19) 34,1% of the overweight/obese group suffered their first asthmatic attack before the age of 6; OR = 2,39 IC95% 1,21-4,72. The presence of an attack over the past year, adjusted by other independent variables analyzed, showed OR 1,99 IC95% 1,01- 3,95 for overweight-obesity (p=0,048).