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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
GRANA, Jorge et al. Primer trabajo comunitario de prevención cardiovascular en pediatría en Lascano. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2009, vol.80, n.2, pp.77-89. ISSN 1688-1249.
Cardiovascular diseases are the most prevalent non-infectious pathology in adults worldwide. Atherosclerotic disease is one of the main causes. Cardiovascular risk factors predispose the development of this disease. Atherogenesis begins in childhood, which is why an early detection of these factors is important in order to prevent future complications (primary prevention). According to national and international publications, prevention help detect these factors. The measurement of several parameters in children between 9 and 13 years of age who attend all the schools Lascano was done. The data collected was weight and height (to quantify nutritional diagnosis with Body Mass Index), blood pressure and cholesterol by finger puncture. A questionnaire including family history was completed by the children's parents. 560 students were surveyed which corresponds to 98% of the total of children (1% absence, 1% excluded for having the required consent). The results were: 6% had total cholesterol higher than 200 mg, 21% were between 170-199. Obesity rates were 10% (55 by index, 28 were male and 27 were female) 17% were overweight (94 in total: 48 boys and 46 girls). Hypertension was present in only 1% in the sample studied (1 male, 4 female) and 1% had pre-hypertension (SM 2 and 3 SF). Family history of smoking, hypertension and lipids (55%, 48% and 30% respectively) were the most frequent risk factors present in the children's relatives. An idea of this problem in Lascano was compared with national and international data. The results were transmitted to parents and teachers of all children with specific advice for each case. The promotion and prevention of cardiovascular risk factors and the use of measurements such as cholesterol by digital puncture is needed. The situation must change in order to prevent young children of having in a near future cardiovascular disease
Palavras-chave : CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES-prevention & control; RISK FACTORS.