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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
GAMBETTA ARBURUA 1, Juan Carlos et al. Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en una población pediátrica. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2006, vol.77, n.2, pp.125-133. ISSN 1688-1249.
Summary 194 patients who attended the Cardiovascular Risk Factors Policlinic for children and tenagers of the Pediatric Cardiology Service of Pereira Rossell Hospital during the period 2002-2004 were considered. High blood pressure diagnosis, nutritional, sedentary lifestyle, alterations in the lipid blood level, family history of high blood pressure (HBP), ischemic heart disease in people under 55 and overweight, were evaluated, with the pediatrician, the cardiology pediatrician, the nutritionist, the psychologist and the nurse working as a team. 152 patients (78%) were diagnosed with pre high blood pressure or high blood pressure. 75% of them had symptoms at the time of consultation, being headache the most frequent one. 25% of them has left ventricular hypertrophy and/or fundoscopy alterations. 77,7% of the patients has essential high blood pressure, 16,4% has secondary high blood pressure. 5,9% of them don’t have an etiologic diagnosis. The most common secondary etiology was renal, in 50% of the cases, followed by cardiovascular (20%), endocrine (20%), pharmacological (8%) and others (2%). 60% of the children whose blood pressure was over percentile 90 (P90), received non-pharmacologic treatment, 39% of them did receive pharmacologic treatment. In children whose blood pressure levels were over P90, strong cardiovascular risk factors were found: overweight risk-overweight (37%), sedentari lifestyle (65%), lipid blood level alterations (23,5%) and family history of HBP (78%), ischemic heart disease in patients under 55 (35%) and overweight (38%). Cardiovascular risk factors already exist in childhood. The prevailing risk factor is HBP, being the essential one the most prevalent and among the secondary ones, the most frequent is the one of renal etiology, but less frequently than in international series. The consequences of HBP can be seen at an early age, in which early and adequate treatment is important. The association with other risk factors is common, and it seems that a global approach of these patients is necessary, as well as the multidisciplinary work team