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Revista Médica del Uruguay

versión impresa ISSN 0303-3295versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390


OLIVARES, Sebastián et al. Mohs micrographic surgery in skin cancer: 7 years’ experience in uruguay. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2023, vol.39, n.2, e202.  Epub 01-Jun-2023. ISSN 0303-3295.


Mohs micrographic surgery is a technique for skin cancer exeresis involving the advantage of 100% of surgical margins histological exam, which leads to highest healing rates with the maximum preservation of the surrounding healthy tissue.


to conduct a clinical and epidemiological description of a 7 years’ experience in Uruguay.


descriptive analysis of patients operated by the same Mohs surgeon who recorded clinical, tumor and surgical data.


641 surgeries were included in the study. 54.9% of surgeries were performed in men and 45.1% in women. Average age was 69 years old. 68.2% of cases corresponded to basal cell carcinoma and 31.8% to squamous cell carcinoma. 79.4% were located in the head and neck, 87.8% of tumors were primary and 11.1% were cases of relapse. The most frequent type of closure was simple in 48.7% of cases, followed by flaps in 31.7%.


Mohs surgery is a safe an effective procedure, and the results of the study agree with what is described in international reference centers. The study describes a 7 years’ experience in Uruguay of Mohs micrographic surgery, being it the largest research conducted in Uruguay.

Palabras clave : Mohs surgery; Basal cell carcinoma; Squamous cell carcinoma.

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