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Revista Médica del Uruguay

versão impressa ISSN 0303-3295versão On-line ISSN 1688-0390


BAGATTINI, Juan C. et al. Vitamin D status in apparently healthy uruguayan adults, in winter in Montevideo city. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2017, vol.33, n.2, pp.104-138. ISSN 0303-3295.


Determine the prevalence of the “Vitamin D Status” through the serum levels of total 25(OH) Vit D and its relationship with age, sex, ethnicity, BMI, usual sun exposure and parameters of the phosphate-calcium metabolism, in an adult population, of both sexes, asymptomatic and apparently healthy, in winter, in Montevideo (Latitude 34,50° S)

Material and methods:

Cross-sectional, descriptive study where 175/331 outpatient subjects (95% ≤ 50), 102 men and 73 women (95% premenopausal), Caucasian (84%), usual sun exposure (43%), BMI (62% > 27 kg/m2). Total 25(OH) Vit D, Intact PTH (IPTH), ionized Calcium, magnesium, phosphate eIVFG were determined.


serum levels of total 25(OH) Vt D: 89% <30 ng/mL; Deficiency (<14) 25,7%; Insufficiency (≥14 - <30) 63,4%; Sufficiency (≥30 - ≤80) 10,9%. Among categories, differences were highly significant, without association with any of the studied variables.

IPTH had a negative and highly significant correlation with ionized calcium but the inverse correlation with 25(OH) Vit D didn´t reach significance. Secondary hyperparathyroidism due to the deficit wasn’t found.


apparently healthy adults in winter had a very prevalent “Low Vitamin D Status”, without any significant association with the studied variables.

IPTH had different individual responses before distinct levels of 25(OH) Vit D; then it isn´t a good bio-marker of “Vitamin D status”.

Facing these results (in agreement with the bibliography) and the impossibility of a global screening (very costly test) ¿what to do?: ¿prophylactic supplementation at all ages?; ¿how; how much supplement; up to which level? ¿do >30 ng/mL levels protect similarly the osseus and the extra-osseus health? The controversy persists.

Palavras-chave : Vitamin D; Adults; Winter; Urban population; Vitamin D deficiency; Parathyroid hormone; Ionized calcium.

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