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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1688-0390
BAZZANO, Carlos; ALVAREZ, Mariela e MARTINEZ, Miguel. Apósitos hidrocoloidales en la cicatrización por segunda intención de heridas quirúrgicas. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2008, vol.24, n.1, pp.32-36. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Introduction: in certain cases it is impossible or technically difficult to close surgical wounds using simple methods or local skin flaps, so options to reconstruct the area are limited to using a loose skin graft or healing by second intention. Objective: to assess healing by second intention using hydrocoloidal dressings. Methods: a therapeutic trial was carried out with twelve patients between 14 and 74 years old (average age 47), who presented wounds with medical surgery indication and that, due to their nature or topography were technically difficult, or even at times impossible to close using simple methods or with plasty local flap closure. In all cases patients received treatment with hydrocoloidal dressings to promote healing by second intention. Results: all patients evidenced reepitelization of the surgical defect. Reepitelization occurred within 20 to 90 days (average time was 31 days. No infections in the wound were detected in any case. Two patients reported slight pain, other two slight discomfort and two more were not satisfied with the esthetic results. 80% of patients declared no pain or discomfort at all, and concluded esthetic results were good. Conclusions: this therapeutic trial carried out with a few patients proved hydrocoloidal dressings appear to be a promising option for wounds caused in dermathological surgeries, healing by second intention.
Palavras-chave : BANDAGES, HYDROCOLLOID [utilization]; OCCLUSIVE DRESSINGS [utilization]; WOUND HEALING.