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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versão impressa ISSN 0303-3295versão On-line ISSN 1688-0390
PROGRAMA DE CIRUGIA DE EPILEPSIA. Cirugía de epilepsia: Experiencia en el Hospital de Clínicas de Montevideo. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2006, vol.22, n.1, pp.36-45. ISSN 0303-3295.
Summary Epilepsy is one of the most frequent neurological disease. Surgical treatment is a proved alternative in selected patients that reject pharmacologic therapy. Results depend on an adequate study algoritm, a multidisciplinary approach of the patient, an appropiate selection of surgical techniques and on neurosurgeon experience. The paper analyzes the experience in the Surgical Programme of Epilepsy (Programa de Cirugía de Epilepsia, Instituto de Neurología, Hospital de Clínicas). From April 1999 to October 2004, 64 patients were assessed, 53 were diagnosed as having rejecting epilepsy for pharmacological treatment. All patients that fulfilled assessment and defined as surgical candidates with adequate functional post-surgical prognosis underwent surgical epilepsy. Surgical procedures used in 15 patients were as follow: lesionectomía (cavernomas, tumours), resection of mesial temporal structures and one functional hemysphe-roctomy. Post-operatory follow-up (mean 23 months) showed a group of 7 patients crisis-free, and a group of 6 patients with significant decrease of crisis. Preliminary experience has shown positive outcomes that support the development of highly specialized programmes in our country.
Palavras-chave : cirugía de epilepsia; epilepsia refractaria.