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Antropología Social y Cultural del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1510-3846
GUTIA©RREZ, Daniel. Ethnography heuristics in the Social Sciences research process. Antropol. soc. cult. Urug. [online]. 2015, vol.13, pp.117-131. ISSN 1510-3846.
Ethnography has a research dimensión by itself, with its particular approach, different to all others pertaining to the research process. It gives us more information on the way social phenomena’s meanings are born, both relating to the researcher and to what’s being investigated. At the same time, it shows us the importance of the epistemologic and theoretical dimensions of research above methods and information data-collection techniques. It underlines cosmovision’s importance from which the selected researches are born, be it from the very selection of the research object as well as the data-collection techniques applied, including theoretical and metodologic influences. It thus shows us that the most important thing in scientific research is the researcher’s point of view and influence on the research subject, because it clearly informs us more about the context from which the object is analyzed than about the subject itself. Through some examples such as the notion of “natives†we will show the heuristics on the “hermeneutical ubiquity†concerning the current social sciences’ “objectivityâ€, heir of the “colonialist†ethnography and the neo-colonialism of the ethnography that make sacred the ultimate detailed data, observation and visibility of the described facts
Palavras-chave : ubicuidad hermenéutica; etnografÃa colonialista; dimensiones investigativas; hermeneutical ubiquity; colonialist ethnography; research dimensions.