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Antropología Social y Cultural del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1510-3846
SCURO, Juan e APUD, Ismael. Contributions for a discussion on the ayahuasca regulation in Uruguay. Antropol. soc. cult. Urug. [online]. 2015, vol.13, pp.35-49. ISSN 1510-3846.
In this article we will analyze the process of legal and political regulation of the psychoactive substance “ayahuascaâ€. We will focus on the relationship between the new therapeutic, spiritual and religious practices related to the use of ayahuasca, and its legal regulation in the international and local context. Firstly, we will briefly consider some cultural and anthropological definition of the general problem of “drugsâ€, and the influence of Western Culture and the prohibitionist movements in these topics. Secondly, we will analize the specific case of ayahuasca in the international context, stressing in some important events on the legal ground of U.S., Brazil and other countries. Finally we will focus on the case of Uruguay
Palavras-chave : ayahuasca; regulation; drugs; spirituality/religiosity.