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CANNON, Clare Elizabeth  e  LATORRE IZQUIERDO, Jorge. Life on a Train: A Poetic Study of the Finale of This is Us. Dixit [online]. 2023, vol.37, n.2, pp.134-150.  Epub 01-Dez-2023. ISSN 1688-3497.

This article provides an in-depth analysis of the penultimate chapter of the series "This is Us" (NBC, 2016-2022), a true finale that encapsulates the entire series, as the last chapter serves as an epilogue to it. The series has received widespread acclaim both nationally and internationally due to its aesthetic quality and compelling storytelling. The analysis of this chapter delves into its content, narrative complexity, and its commitment to diversity in various aspects such as race, gender, age, weight, economic status, disability, and personality differences. Through intricate narrative techniques and a focus on interpersonal relationships, the examined chapter exemplifies how complex television utilizes hybrid genres and narrative techniques to drive the positive transformation of the main characters. Simultaneously, this chapter provides a magnificent example of how "This is Us" has succeeded in portraying everyday human stories in prime-time television, with a masterful script that anticipated and achieved this impactful and conclusive finale without sacrificing its ability to allow room for ambiguity, as required to authentically depict the complexities of life.

Palavras-chave : complex TV; finale; myth; catharsis; denouement..

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