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versão impressa ISSN 1688-3497versão On-line ISSN 0797-3691
GONZALEZ GOMEZ, Orlando. Appropriation and consumption habits of young people in Colombia regarding the content of youtubers. Dixit [online]. 2018, n.28, pp.12-21. ISSN 1688-3497.
This article presents some of the habits of young people in Colombia regarding the consumption and appropriation of audiovisual content produced by Youtubers. Based on an approach both qualitative and quantitative, the methodological design employs the survey and the focus group as instruments to collect the information. Among the results, it can be seen how the analyzed audience prefers YouTube over other social networks, recognises local youtubers and identifies with them, and looks for content mostly in a tutorial format. In conclusion, it’s possible to observe a change in the habits of appropriation, due to the identification with speeches and the light and spontaneous formats with creative narratives that young people consume simultaneously with the accomplishment of other tasks, and that they can repeat and share at any time and place
Palavras-chave : youtubers; audiovisual content; appropriation; consumption.