ISSN 2301-0118 printed version
ISSN 2301-0126 online version




Open access and licensing policy

This is a free publication (does not charge for the sending or processing of articles), arbitrated, free access and biannual edition that addresses issues and problems of higher education.  

InterCambios contributes to the democratization of knowledge. This function is based on the application of the International Creative Commons Attribution License. Under this license, the authors retain copyright ownership of the articles but allow, without the permission of the author or editor, anyone to download and distribute the articles published in the journal


Contributions to the magazine, unedited original, should address topics of interest to higher education. They will be written in an academic style suitable for divulgation in heterogeneous teaching environments.

It will be published in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

The title should give an account of the subject matter not exceeding 60 characters with spaces.

Articles should be accompanied by 250 words abstract, between three and five keywords and a curriculum vitae of no more than 320 characters with spaces that include the full name and a brief academic review of the author (s). Title, abstract and keywords must be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

The maximum length is 30.000 characters with spaces. Articles shorter but not less than 8000 characters with spaces may be presented, as well as exceptionally articles that exceed the maximum extent required. The text will be in Arial 12, line spacing 1.5, and quotes will be used to delimit the quotations.

The text must be submitted in ODT and DOC or RTF format, with corresponding integrated images. Graphs, diagrams, and tables must also be submitted separately in JPG, PNG, GIF or JPEG at 300 dpi.

References will be presented at the end of the article under the title "Bibliographic references". In the text will be referred by the author-year system; The form of indicating the page can be used in the body of the text, for example (Giroux, 1990: 69). The footnotes shall be restricted to the minimum necessary and be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The general presentation will conform to the APA standards ( How to cite APA.

From the year 2019 all authors must have ORCID. If you have not yet registered you can do it here:

The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individuals, who can obtain an ORCID identifier, manage their activity log and look for others in the Registry. ORCID is an open, non-profit, community project that offers a system to create and maintain a unique registry of researchers and a clear method to link research activities and the products of these identifiers.

Original articles should be submitted with a section called "Data Availability", informing if the data set is available and, if so, where to access it.

Authorship data

When registering in the system to make a submission, they must fill in the fields of names and surnames (maximum two) of up to four authors and institutional affiliation that indicates the name of the department, center, faculty or institution and the electronic mail. In the case of co-authorship, the name of one of the authors will be responsible first.

It is recommended that in the comments field aid received and its origin is mentioned in case the publication is the result of a funded project.

It warns that editors reserve the right to publish or to make changes that do not compromise the meaning of the text to the effects suit the style adopted by the publication. Ultimately, it will be the author who will decide whether or not to accept the publication with the modifications.

They will be sent through the publications system, available at “Submissions”.

In the document attached to the article, authors' data should not appear.

Evaluation process

The submitted text will be subject to evaluation bodies. Evaluators will be designated as suitability and concern regarding the subject of reference; His identity will be reserved, as well as that of the author.

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 All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

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