ISSN 2301-0118 printed version
ISSN 2301-0126 online version



About the Journal

Approach and scope

The magazine Inter-Changes. Dilemmas and Transitions of Higher Education (ISSN 2301-0118, E-ISSN 2301-0126) is a free publication (does not charge costs for the sending or processing of articles), refereed, free access and semi-annual edition which addresses issues and problems of higher education.

Originally thought out in digital format, it is proposed:

- Give account to the teaching staff interested in the problem of higher education of their situation, research, dilemmas and innovative experiences that provide a critical, reflective and multidimensional view on the subject.

- Generate a space for the exchange of reflections that promotes the awareness of the identity of this field of knowledge, which stimulates the production of knowledge both in terms of theories and institutional practices and the creation of transformative alternatives for this education level.

InterCambios. Dilemmas and transitions of Higher Education contributes to the democratization of knowledge. This function is based on the application of the international license of creative common attributions (CC Attribution 4.0 International).

Under this license, the authors retain copyright ownership of the articles but allow, without the permission of the author or editor, anyone to download and distribute the articles published in the journal.

InterCambios has the following social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. You can find us through the identifier @revintercambios.


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