ISSN 0717-5000 Online version









Scope and policy

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Manuscript submission








Scope and policy

 The aim of CLEIej is to foster Computer Science research in Latin America and to communicate this research to all the world. The journal is devoted to previously unpublished, original research, in Computer Science and its application.

The journal publication policy is based on classical single-blind peer review. To ensure publication timeliness, it is important to have a streamlined and efficient editorial process. As part of that process, and before being sent for peer-review, all papers are evaluated by members of our Editorial Board, so that we can give a quick feedback to the authors of manuscripts which we feel do not conform to the journal objectives and standards.

1.      When a paper is submitted to CLEIej, the Editor-in-Chief assigns the paper to a member of the Editorial Board, who will be its Editor.

2.      The Editor reads the paper's content, and decides whether the paper seems potentially acceptable. In the first case, the paper is sent to two or more external referees, which may recommend the paper to be accepted as-is, accepted subject to some changes, or rejected.

      On the basis of these recomendations, the Editor may ask the authors to make changes. If at any stage the Editor decides the paper is not acceptable, he will contact the Editor-in-Chief to make a joint decision, and they will send a letter back to the authors explaining the rejection reasons.

3.      If the paper still appears potentially acceptable when the refereeing process is complete, the Editor will communicate all the reviewing information to the Editor-in-Chief, who will then consider the paper and make a final decision on whether to accept it or not.

4.      If the paper is accepted, the Editor-in-Chief will ask the authors to provide a definitive version of the paper in the format of the journal.




Form and preparation of manuscripts  

The standard style is the LaTeX article style (one column) using 10pt. It is recommended to employ the customized LaTeX class cleiej. A template together with style files can be downloaded here. Templates for OpenOffice and Microsoft Office 97/2000/XP are also available. The final version of the paper, if accepted, must be sent together with the ASCII text of the title, authors, institutions, abstract, keywords (as well as optional Spanish/Portuguese abstracts and keywords).

Please check additional instructions for authors.




Manuscript submission

 To submit a paper send a postscript or .PDF file to the managing editor (Héctor Cancela).





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J. Herrera y Reissig 565 - CP 11300.
Montevideo - Uruguay.

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