ISSN 1510-3846 printed version






Submission Guidelines









Submission Guidelines

Articles subject to “double blind” arbitration by peers are published on Section 2. Studies and Essays. Norms here estate that articles should not be over 30.000 characters (20 pages in body 12, simple 21space between lines) including bibliography. They must also include a brief in Spanish up to 250 words (approx. 1500 characters) and five keywords. Title, brief and keywords must have an English and a Portuguese version. Bibliography should follow the APA 6th edition international reference norms in all cases.
Book title
Alzugarat A., (2007) Paper Trenches. Dictatorship and Prison Literature in Uruguay. Montevideo: Trilce
Chapter in a Collective Book or Acts
Carriquiry, M. (2010) Identity and Literature in Uruguay. In Rita, C. (comp.) Un Paese che cambia. Saggiantropoligci sull’ Uruguay. Tra memoria e attualitá, (137-162), Roma: Cisu
Magazine Article
O’Donnell, G., (2000) Compared Democratic and Political Theory. Economic Development –Social Sciences Magazine. Vol. 39(156), 519-570
From the Web
Engels, F. Contribution to the Housing Shortage Problem (from Marx and Engels Selected Works, Vol. 3, pp. 314-396) Date of link, http//www.
Pictures, drawings or maps should be sent as separated archive, with a minimum resolution of 250 pixels per inch. Footnotes are accepted. In text quotations, including material published on Internet should make reference to author, date and page, with complete information in the bibliography at the end of the article.

Only original, unpublished material is accepted, having preference those referred to the specific themes of the current edition, written in Spanish and Portuguese. We also publish articles translated from English, French and Italian.
Authors should send a footnote including personal and professional data, institution where they belong, current function at same, phone number, address and e-mail.
Notes should be at page-foot (footnotes), never at the end of the article.
Bibliographic references within the text should have this format: Author’s last name – edition year- page. Example: (Bordieu, 1993, 57)     All material received is sent to external evaluators named by the Editorial Committee. The evaluation process is anonymous for both parties and takes from 30 to 60 days.
Should the Editorial Committee not answer to the authors within two months of their sending the article, they can claim it by previously communicating to the editors.
Once the article is accepted by the evaluation, the decision will be communicated to the authors for the publication. From that moment on, the authors have 20 days to make any necessary changes and will not be allowed to present the material to other publications.

The articles are published free of charge, and due to an agreement with the editors, no author rights are charged.
This publication is under the Creative Commons Noncommercial
Recognition 3.0 Unported License, cc-by.
The Editorial Committee can make the language-style corrections it feels pertinent.
The fact an article is sent to us means the acceptance of the above mentioned norms and publishing conditions by the authors.
The call for the 2017 Magazine on both biannual editions will be published on our 2016 second edition.
Contact and article reception



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© 2016 Universidad de la República - Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación - Instituto de Antropología.

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