| Table of contents Rev. urug. Antropología y Etnografía vol.9 no.2 Montevideo Dec. 2024 Folder | | | | · Presentación. (Neo)colonialidades y asimetrías geopolíticas en la bioantropología latinoamericana Figueiro, Gonzalo; Menéndez, Lumila Paula; Yáñez, Bernardo
| | | | · Towards an anticolonial praxis beyond the dictates of the Global North Ballestero, Diego
| | | | · Ethics, Biological Anthropology, and Indigenous people. Thoughts from the dialogue of knowledges Sardi, Marina L.; Azpiroz Cleñan, Verónica
| | | | · Scientific transparency: towards a relational paradigm in forensic anthropology Farrera, Arodi
| | | | · Reflections on asymmetries: bioanthropological practice in Cuba and its challenges Vázquez Sánchez, Vanessa; Rangel Rivero, Armando
| | | | · The use of racial categories in Argentine biomedicine. An analysis of national and international publications Avena, Sergio; Russo, María Gabriela; Lozano, Magdalena; Rocca, Francisco Di Fabio
| | | | · Uruguay: “The famous little notch where there was no data at all”. A chapter in the production of bioanthropological knowledge in Uruguay Floriani, Lucas Prieto; Viera, Celeste Martinez
| | | Reflections on the world system of anthropology in the 21st century; a Latin American perspective. Interview with Gustavo Lins Ribeiro (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Lerma, CDMX, Mexico) Yáñez, Bernardo; Menéndez, Lumila Paula; Figueiro, Gonzalo
| | | Recalibrating expectations. Interview with María Nieves Colón (University of Minnesota, USA) Figueiro, Gonzalo; Menéndez, Lumila Paula; Yáñez, Bernardo
| | | A critical look to the relationships among global North and South biological anthropologists. Interview with Lorena Madrigal (University of South Florida, United States) Yáñez, Bernardo; Menéndez, Lumila Paula; Figueiro, Gonzalo
| | | Towards an un-disciplining of anthropological practice and theory. Interview with Cristóbal Gnecco (Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia) Yáñez, Bernardo; Menéndez, Lumila Paula; Figueiro, Gonzalo
| | | Free Articles | | | | · Ethnographic reflections: records, feelings, sexuality and identification Darouiche, Cristian Alejandro
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