| Table of contents Rev. Urug. Med. Int. vol.6 no.2 Montevideo July 2021 Editorial | | | | · Update: Thrombosis and Women Guillermo, Cecilia
| | | Prologo | | | | · Update Thrombosis and Woman Stevenazzi, Mariana
| | | Review | | | | · Venous Thromboembolic Disease in the puerperal gravid period. Diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis. Irigoín, Victoria; Lorenzo, Mariana; Grille, Sofía; González, Valentín
| | | | · Initial management of abortion Larroca, Cecilia; Chaquiriand, Virginia
| | | | · Prothrombotic states and pregnancy loss Boada, Matilde
| | | | · Pre-eclampsia and hereditary thrombophilia Santos, Carolina De los; Larraburu, Soledad; González, Valentín
| | | | · Obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome Leal, Daniel; Zubiaurre, Valentina; Danza, Alvaro; Stevenazzi, Mariana
| | | | · Fetal growth restriction and thrombophilia Moran, Rosario; Rodríguez, Christians; Garat, Florencia; Agostini, Marcelo De
| | | | · Abruptio placentae and hereditary thrombophilia Morán, Rosario
| | | | · Placental infarcts and thrombophilias Zunino, Juan
| | | | · Thrombophilias, sterility, infertility and assisted reproductive treatment Chaquiriand, Virginia
| | | | · Usefulness of ultrasound and color Doppler ultrasound in high-risk obstetric patients Agostini, Marcelo De; Morán, Rosario; Cordano, Cristina; Garat, Florencia
| | | | · Regional anesthesia in the antiplatelet or anticoagulated pregnant patient Santos, Gimena dos; Palleja, Martín Pérez De; Castro, Viviana; Turcatti, Paola
| | | | · Contraception counseling for women with inherited thrombophilia Vitureira, Gerardo; Riva, Eloisa; Cora, Mariana
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Adaptation to the PROA flowchart for community acute pneumonia in the Hospital de Clínicas emergency in 2019, Uruguay. Fabbiani, Stefano; Garafoni, Federico; Caetano, Mauricio; Camacho, Ana Karen; Contrera, Santiago; Fernández, Tatiana; Fernández, Valentina; Jara, Javier; Viroga, Stephanie; Speranza, Noelia; Gorrasi, José
| | | Clinical case | | | | · Muscle amyloidosis. About a clinical case. Roldan, Alicia; Fagúndez, Yohana; Sarachaga, María Eugenia; Bradvica, Virginia
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