| Table of contents Enfermería (Montevideo) vol.9 no.1 Montevideo 2020 Editorial | | | | · Nursing care, relevance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Ramírez Pereira, Mirliana
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Obstetric violence: manifestations posted on Facebook virtual groups Moré Pauletti, Jéssica; Portella Ribeiro, Juliane; Corrêa Soares, Marilu
| | | | · The nature of humanized care Cruz Riveros, Consuelo
| | | | · Mapuche mothers 'lives during the hospitalization of their children, in a high complexity hospital in southern Chile Rivas Riveros, Edith; García Silva, Verónica; Catalán Melinao, Yaqueline
| | | | · Migrant population’s opinion on the healthcare team regarding patient care in two local outpatient clinics in Montevideo Barboza, Alexis; Casavieja, Daniela; López, Silvana; Marina, Katia; Toledo, Nicolás
| | | | · Nursing intervention in health promotion for people on hemodialysis, disciplinary perspective: Integrative review Méndez Barbecho, Nancy; Rodríguez Campo, Varinia; Orellana Yáñez, Alda; Valenzuela Suazo, Sandra
| | | | · Educate Nursing students for life and death: “from fear to love” Palomar Gallardo, María Cinta; Romero Palomar, María; Pérez García, Esteban; Romero Palomar, María Isabel
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