| Table of contents Agrociencia Uruguay vol.20 no.2 Montevideo Dec. 2016 Plant production | | | | · HACCP in Small and Medium Artisan Plants Dedicated to the Production of IV and V Gamme Vegetables Vazquez-Armenta, F Javier; Ayala-Soto, Rosa E; Cruz-Valenzuela, M; González-Aguilar, Gustavo A; Ayala-Zavala, J Fernando
| | | | · UV-C Radiation in the Elaboration Process of IV Gamma Vegetables Gutiérrez, Diego; Ruiz López, Gustavo; Sgroppo, Sonia; Rodríguez, Silvia
| | | | · Postharvest Quality Evaluation of Feijoa Fruits (Acca sellowiana (Berg) Burret) Silveira, Ana Cecilia; Oyarzún, Dennise; Rivas, Mercedes; Záccari, Fernanda
| | | | · Improvement of ‘Afourer’ Mandarin Productivity in Isolation of Cross-Pollination Gravina, Alfredo; Gambetta, Guiliana; Rey, Florencia; Guimaraes, Natalia
| | | | · Characterization of the Reproductive Behavior of Two New Mandarin Hybrids Mautone, Ana Paula; Rey, Florencia; Pereira das Neves, Virginia; Guimaraes, Natalia; Gambetta, Giuliana; Gravina, Alfredo
| | | | · Production and Viability of Using Biodiesel Derived from Residual Cooking Oil Zanchett Groth, Martin; Bellé, Cristiano; Zanchett Groth, Maruan; Flores Roza-Gomez, Margarida; Cericato, Alceu
| | | | · Importance of Hard Seed in Forage Legumes Produced in Uruguay Boschi, Federico; Latorre, Pablo; Saldanha, Sylvia; Machado, Jorge; Bentancur, Oscar; Moure, Sebastián
| | | Plant protection | | | | · Bird Repellent Applied to Soybean Seed: Compatibility with Inoculant and Residuality in Cotyledons Olivera, Lourdes; Rodríquez, Ethel; Ceretta, Sergio; Beyhaut, Elena
| | | | · Synthesis and Field Evaluation of the Sex Pheromone of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) in Canola (Brassica napus L.) Tacain, Jimena; Parpal, Florencia; Abbate, Silvana; Silva, Horacio; Ribeiro, Adela; Heguaburu, Viviana
| | | | · Sites and Structures for the Survival of Colletotrichum spp., the Causal Agent of Bitter Rot of Apple Casanova, Leticia; Hernández, Laura; Alaniz, Sandra; Mondino, Pedro
| | | | · Interannual Variability in Acridian Community (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Acrididae) in Central-southern Uruguay Zerbino, María Stella; Lorier, Estrellita; Miguel, Lucía
| | | Soil and water | | | | · Sorption Index to Estimate Phosphorus Retention Capacity in Soils Pose, Nélida N; Zamuner, Ester C
| | | | · Estimation of Soil Loss Ratio (SLR) for Horticultural Crops in Southern Uruguay Mancassola, Victoria; Hill, Mariana; Clérici, Carlos; Sánchez, Gabriela
| | | | · Potassium Fertilization in Soybean: Association of Crop Response with Edaphic and Topographic Properties Coitiño-López, Javier; Barbazán, Mónica; Ernst, Oswaldo
| | | Animal production and pastures | | | | · Supplementation of Beef Cows Grazing Natural Pasture with Crude Glycerin and Whole Rice Bran Clariget, Juan Manuel; Pérez-Clariget, Raquel; Álvarez-Oxiley, Andrea; Bentancur, Oscar; Bruni, María de los Ángeles
| | | Social science | | | | · Rural Youth in the Metropolitan Area: Methodological Discussion on the Definition of Rural Population in Uruguay Cardeillac, Joaquín; Vigna, Ana
| | | | · Perceptions on the Leadership of Rural Extension Agents in Uruguay, a Quantitative Approach Gravina, Virginia
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