Plant biology |
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| · Natural Recolonization by Riparian Forest on the Left Bank of the Salto Grande Reservoir: Identification of Pioneer Species González, Silvia; Cadenazzi, Mónica
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| · Emerging Sanitizers: An Alternative in the Postharvest of Arugula Inestroza-Lizardo, Carlos; Escalona, Víctor Hugo
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Plant production |
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| · Determination of Some Quality Attributes of Feijoa Fruits [Acca sellowiana (Berg) Burret] at Different Ripening Stages Silveira, Ana Cecilia; Oyarzún, Dennise; Záccari, Fernada; Rivas, Mercedes
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| · Hydrated Lime Soil Coverage: Effect On Soil Temperature Reduction And Early Mandarin Colour Break Gambetta, Giuliana; Mesejo, Carlos; Gravina, Alfredo; Agustí, Manuel; Fasiolo, Carolina; Rey, Florencia; Reig, Carmina; Martínez-Fuentes, Amparo; Bentancur, Oscar
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| · Effect Of Soil Waterlogging Stress On The Physiological Performance Of Seeds And On The Productivity Of Rye Plants Marques Gehling, Vânia; Pedó, Tiago; Garbin Martinazzo, Emanuela; Zanatta Aumonde, Tiago; Amaral Villela, Francisco
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| · Effect of Storage Temperature on Carotenoid and Vitamin C Content in Red Grapefruit Lado, Joanna; Pascual, Marta; Zacarías, Lorenzo; Rodrigo, María Jesús
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| · Effect of Alternative Techniques of Maceration on the Color and Composition of Red Wines of Six Grape Varieties González-Neves, Gustavo; Favre, Guzmán; Piccardo, Diego; Ferrer, Milka; Echeverría, Gerardo
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Plant protection |
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| · Characterization of the Causal Agent of Stem Canker of Soybean in Uruguay Stewart, Silvina
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| · Evaluation of Disinfectants to Prevent Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis Transmission in Tomato by Pruning Shears Maeso, Diego; Walasek, Wilma
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Soil and water |
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| · WEPP Soil Erosion Model Adjustment for an Abruptic Argiudoll and a Vertic Argiudoll in Uruguay Jorge, Gabriella; Pérez Bidegain, Mario; Terra, Jose; Sawchik, Jorge
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| · Estimating Soil Loss by Water Erosion in Three Different Horticultural Management Systems in Southern Uruguay Hill, Mariana; Clérici, Carlos; Mancassola, Victoria; Sánchez, Gabriela
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| · Apparent Electrical Conductivity to Delineate Management Zones in an Agricultural Soil with Reduced Variability in Physico-chemical Properties Coitiño-López, Javier; Barbazán, Mónica; Ernst, Oswaldo
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| · Harvesting the Benefits of Precision Agriculture in an Uruguayan Rice Crop Bonilla, Camila; Terra, José A; Gutiérrez, Lucía; Roel, Álvaro
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| · Determination of the Reference Crop Evapotranspiration (ETo) for Designinig Irrigation Equipment in Uruguay García Petillo, Mario; Puppo, Lucía
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| · Nitrate Availability in No-till Agricultural Systems and their Relationship with Environmental and Management Variables Mazzilli, Sebastián R; Ernst, Oswaldo R; Sastre, Andrés; Terra, Gabriel
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Animal production and pastures |
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| · Genetic Parameters for Cow-calve Phase in Hereford x Angus Crosses Under Extensive Grazing Pereyra, Fernando; Urioste, Jorge Ignacio; Gimeno, Diego; Peñagaricano, Francisco; Bentancur, Dorrel; Espasandín, Ana
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Social science |
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| · Integrating Trees and Livestock on Familiy Farms: the Farmer´s Vision Tamosiunas¹, Martha
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Fe de erratas |
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