| Table of contents Agrociencia Uruguay vol.17 no.1 Montevideo June 2013 Plant biology | | | | · Development of Functional Markers Associated with Phenotypic Traits for Variety Identification in Soybean Ibarra, Mariela; Castro, Ariel; Capdevielle, Fabián
| | | | · Phenotyping Systems for Evaluating Saline Stress Response in Lotus Quero, Gastón Eduardo; Borsani, Omar; Gutiérrez, Lucía; Melchiorre, Mariana; Monza, Jorge; Lascano, Ramiro
| | | | · New Orchid Species for Uruguay: Second Contribution. Epiphytic Plants Izaguirre, Primavera
| | | | · Polyphenols Extraction and Composition of Tannat Red Wines Produced by Prefermentative Maceration Techniques Piccardo, Diego; González-Neves, Gustavo
| | | Plant production | | | | · Resistance to Bacterial Wilt in Solanum commersonii Dun. González, Matías; Galván, Guillermo; Siri, María Inés; Borges, Alejandra; Vilaró, Francisco
| | | | · Factors Underlying Spatial Variability in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grain Quality at Field and Regional Level Marchesi, Claudia; Thompson, James F.; Plant, Richard E
| | | | · Use of Enological Tannins and Alternative Macerations in a Tannat Red Winemaking Essay Favre, Guzmán; Charamelo, Darwin; González-Neves, Gustavo
| | | | · Validation of Apple Harvest Index of Low Chilling Requirements Bouzo, Carlos Alberto; Gariglio, Norberto Francisco
| | | | · Increase in Soybean (Glycine max) Production Using Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Santos, Estela; Mendoza, Yamandú; Vera, Máximo; Carrasco-Letelier, Leonidas; Díaz, Sebastián; Invernizzi, Ciro
| | | | · Thinning Influence on the Modulus of Elasticity and Rupture in Eucalyptus grandis Cueto, Guillermo; O, Neill Hugo; Rachid, Cecilia; Ohta, Sadaaki; Resquin, Fernando
| | | Plant protection | | | | · Musca domestica as a Host for Mass Rearing of Parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) Zaché, Bruno; Zaché Rodrigues da Costa, Ronelza; Candelária, Murici Carlos; Wilcken, Carlos Frederico
| | | | · Multiresidue Analysis of 41 Pesticides in Honey by LC-MS/MS: Evaluation of Two Clean-up Methods Niell, Silvina; Cesio, Verónica; Hepperle, Julia; Roux, Daniela; Kirsch, Larissa; Kolberg, Diana; Anastassiades, Michelangelo; Heinzen, Horacio
| | | Animal production and pastures | | | | · Control of Nosema ceranae in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Colonies in Eucalyptus grandis Plantations Mendoza, Yamandú; Harriet, Jorge; Campa, Juan; Katz, Helena; Ramallo, Gustavo; Díaz-Cetti, Sebastián; Invernizzi, Ciro
| | | | · Development of a Microsatellite Multiplex for Paternity Testing in Uruguayan Corriedale Sheep Peraza, Pablo; Rincón, Gonzalo; Ravagnolo, Olga; Dalla Rizza, Marco; Kelly, Lucy
| | | | · A Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Uruguayan and New Zealand Beef Systems Becoña López, Gonzalo; Ledgard, Stewart; Wedderburn, Elizabeth
| | | | · Shade Managment Associated to Grazing Restriction: Effect on Cattle Behaviour and Summer Performance Beretta, Virginia; Simeone, Álvaro; Bentancur, Oscar
| | | | · Advances in Knowledge of the Dairy Cow During the Transition Period in Uruguay: a Multidisciplinary Approach Meikle, Ana; Cavestany, Daniel; Carriquiry, Mariana; Adrien, María de Lourdes; Artegoitia, Virginia; Pereira, Isabel; Ruprechter, Gretel; Pessina, Paula; Rama, Gonzalo; Fernández, Andrea; Breijo, Martín; Laborde, Daniel; Pritsch, Otto; Ramos, Juan Manuel; de Torres, Elena; Nicolini, Paula; Mendoza, Alejandro; Dutour, Joaquín; Fajardo, Maite; Astessiano, Ana Laura; Olazábal, Laura; Mattiauda, Diego; Chilibroste, Pablo
| | | Social science | | | | · Local Development and Agroecological Approach: the Experience of the Territorial Food Sovereignty Plan in the Department of Treinta y Tres Gómez Perazzoli, Alberto; Chiappe Hernández, Marta
| | | | · Associativism: the Experience of the Farmers in Colonia «Juan Gutiérrez» in Paysandú Courdin, Virginia
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