| Table of contents Agrociencia Uruguay vol.15 no.1 Montevideo June 2011 Plant biology | | | | · Distribution of genetic diversity and reproductive system of Stipa neesiana Trin. et Rupr. Vidal, Rafael; González, Ana; Gutiérrez, Lucía; Umaña, Rodolfo; Speranza, Pablo
| | | | · Optimizing protocol of plantain propagation cv. CEMSA ¾ in Temporary Immersion Bioreactors Cejas, Inaudis; Capote, Iris; Aragón, Carlos E.; Escalona, Maritza; Pina, Danilo; González, Justo; Rodríguez, Roberto; Noceda, Carlos; Cañal, María Jesús; Sandoval, Jorge; Roels, Sophie; Debergh, Pierre
| | | | · Strain selection of growth promoting Herbaspirillum spp. in rice Punschke, Karina; Mayans, María
| | | Plant production | | | | · Parthenocarpy induction, pollen germination and pollen tube growth of "Montenegrina""" mandarin Chouza, Ximena; Gravina, Alfredo; Borges, Alejandra
| | | | · Agronomic behavior and oenological potential of Tannat grape in three Uruguayan climatic regiones Ferrer, Milka; González-Neves, Gustavo; Echeverría, Gerardo; Camussi, Gianfranca; Avondet, Rusley; Salvarrey, Julia; Favre, Guzmán; Fourment, Mercedes
| | | Plant protection | | | | · Physiological Specialization of a Local Population of Pyrenophora teres f. sp. teres Gamba, Fernanda; Tekauz, Andrej
| | | | · Evaluation of alternatives for Penicillium digitatum imazalil resistant strains postharvest management Lado, Joanna; Luque, Eleana; Blanco, Oribe; Pérez Faggiani, Elena
| | | | · Insecticidal capacity of hydrocarbon-grown Beauveria bassiana to control coleoptera in stored grain Pedrini, Nicolás; Dal Bello, Gustavo M.; Padín, Susana B.; Juárez, M. Patricia
| | | Soil and water | | | | · Summary Soil organic carbon and physical properties in vegetable farms in South Uruguay García de Souza, Margarita; Alliaume, Florencia; Mancassola, Victoria; Dogliotti, Santiago
| | | | · Characterization of organic materials applied in intensive farming systems in Uruguay Barbazán, Mónica; del Pino, Amabelia; Moltini, Carlos; Hernández, Jorge; Rodríguez, Jimena
| | | Animal production and pastures | | | | · Impact of Heat Waves on Dairy Cows in Salto (Uruguay) Saravia, Celmira; Astigarraga, Laura; Van Lier, Elize; Bentancur, Oscar
| | | | · Indicator Species and Structure of Natural Grasslands on Basaltic Soils with Contrasting Sheep Stocking Rates Jaurena, Martín; Bentancur, Oscar; Ayala, Walter; Rivas, Mercedes
| | | | · Winter Response of a Native Pasture to Nitrogen Fertilization and Forage Allowance Zanoniani, Ramiro A.; Boggiano, Pablo; Cadenazzi, Mónica
| | | Social science | | | | · Management Systems of Family Vegetable Farms in the South of Uruguay: a case study Álvarez, Jorge; Pedemonte, Ana; Abedala, Camilo; Marisquirena, Gustavo
| | | | · Biofuels and family farming in Uruguay: A feasible alliance? Carámbula, Matías; Chiappe, Marta; Fernández, Emilio; Figueredo, Soledad
| | | | · Evaluation of two rural development projects using Q methodology Gravina, Virginia; de Hegedus, Pedro
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