| Table of contents Odontoestomatología vol.24 no.40 Montevideo Dec. 2022 Research | | | | · Morphological distribution of Class II malocclusions according to skeletal pattern in an adult sample of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad de Chile Vidaurre Latorre, Francisca; Baquedano Juliá, Camila; Chang, Ru-Harn; Manríquez Soto, German; Diaz Muñoz, Alejando
| | | | · Quality of care from the user’s perspective. Satisfaction survey of users seen at the School of Dentistry-UdelaR during 2019 Apelo Lozano, Fiorela; Álvarez-Vaz, Ramón; Picapedra, Alicia; Blanco, Silvana
| | | | · Effect of the curing light intensity on the biocompatibility and flexural strength of a composite resin de León, Elisa; Teske, Ana Paula; País, Belén; Grazioli, Guillermo
| | | | · Study of the effects of a hypoxic microenvironment on human keratinocytes in vitro and its correlation with microenvironmental alterations in oral lichen planus pathology D´Aiuto, Natali; Hochmann, Jimena; Sotelo-Silveira, José; Bologna-Molina, Ronell; Arocena, Miguel
| | | | · Effect of severity of periodontitis on oral health-related quality of life De La Hoz Perafan, Renata; Romo Pérez, Camilo; Fragozo Montesino, María Fernanda
| | | | · Age estimation according to the degree of dental mineralization: Demirjian method Buenaventura, Carolina; Lago, Romina; Fernández, Albana; Álvarez-Vaz, Ramón; Picapedra, Alicia
| | | | · Effects of xylitol on bacterial growth against Streptococcus sanguinis: In vitro study Apaza-Apaza, Rotciv Anginovi; Asillo-Choquehuanca, Shanghainesa; Padilla-Cáceres, Tania Carola; Mamani-Cori, Vilma; Catacora-Padilla, Paula Olenska; Apaza-Apaza, Flor de Brusela
| | | | · Self-report of awake bruxism and related factors amongst physical education university students Stefanelli, Maria Lucia; Meléndez Gallardo, José; Kreiner Feder, Marcelo; Fernández Rey, Luis Ignacio; Scarrone Pessano, Daniela Lucia; Bentancort, Santiago
| | | Update | | | | · Bone resorption in periodontal disease: the role of RANK, RANKL and OPG. A literature review Asquino, Natalia; Vigil, Gabriela; Pereira-Prado, Vanesa; Bueno Rossy, Luis A.; Bologna-Molina, Ronell
| | | | · Antimicrobial effectiveness of chitosan as a suture coating in oral and maxillofacial surgery: a systematic review Pereira-Malacara, Karen Daniela; Ortíz-Urenda, Miguel Ángel; Arenas-Arrocena, Ma.Concepción
| | | | · Regenerative treatment of intrabony defects using minimally invasive flaps: Scoping Review Ossa-Sherman, Mariajosé; Araya-Contador, Rodrigo; Segovia-Chamorro, Jaime
| | | | · Prevalence of burnout in undergraduate dental students: a systematic review Pomareda-Lagos, Karen; Garrido-Urrutia, Constanza
| | | | · Properties and uses of propolis in dentistry: a review Duran-Merino, Denisse; Cruz-Ávila, Julieta; Castañeda-Castaneira, Enrique; Robles-Pinto, Guadalupe; Molina-Frechero, Nelly
| | | Case Report | | | | · Oral condylomatosis in a 9-year-old girl. Clinical case report Dávila Torres, Richard Fernando; Ludeña Pacheco, Johana Elizabeth
| | | | · Solitary maxillary central incisor syndrome: a case report Mamian Tamayo, Diana Marcela; Dávila Torres, Richard Fernando
| | | | · Peripheral ossifying fibroma in a newborn: A potential complication after natal teeth extraction Urias Barreras, Cynthia Marina; Hernández Alemán, Félix Manuel; Ríos Burgueño, Efrén Rafael; Caldeira, Patrícia Carlos
| | | Lista de Revisores | | | | · Lista de revisores de Odontoestomatología 2022
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