Editorial |
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| · Prólogo Riva, Raúl
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Update |
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| · Biosegurity in dentistry in times of pandemic COVID-19 Badanian, Andrea
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| · Practical guidelines in Dentistry for Uruguay during the Covid-19 pandemic Romero, María Renée
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| · Endodontic tretaments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Vilas Navós, Beatriz
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| · COVID 19 and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Kornecki Radzinski, Felipe
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| · General Recomendations in Periodontology during a pandemic Bueno, Luis
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| · Restorative Dentistry protocol for the health emergency COVID-19 Verdera, Sergio
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| · Dental assitance in Removable Prosthodontics against the pandemic COVID-19 Seoane Campomar, Mariana
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| · Informed consent Picapedra, Alicia
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