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| · Professional learning communities in initial teacher education in Uruguay: social network analysis Cabrera Borges, Claudia; Tejera Techera, Andrea; Questa-Torterolo, Mariela
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| · Genesis of academic paths: itineraries of university professors studying for their doctorate García-Béjar, Ligia; Galbán-Lozano, Sara Elvira
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| · Methodological-didactic problems of the novice teacher: learning to teach in practice Vargas Castro, Erick Zorobabel
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| · Case study: experience of students in initial teacher training in simulations of pedagogical practices in a virtual world Badilla-Quintana, María Graciela; Sandoval-Henríquez, Francisco Javier
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| · Motivation and organizational support as determinants of engagement with communities and external institution of postgraduate: findings from Chile Araya-Pizarro, Sebastián; Verelst, Nando; Pallero-Castillo, Daniela; Vásquez-Ángel, Viviana
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| · Geographic teacher mobility: an analysis of teachers' perceptions in the framework of educational policies González Alemán, Carlos; Rodríguez Zidán, Eduardo
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| · Advice for the improvement of teaching practices: Lived experiences in basic education in a state in southeastern Mexico Reséndiz Melgar, Norma Nélida
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| · Perception of university life experiences of higher education students with ADHD Lagos San Martín, Nelly Gromiria; Espinoza Pastén, Laura; Garay Alemany, Victoria Verónica; Betancourt Gallegos, Katherine
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| · University students' perceptions of a mathematics HyFlex course Caseres González, Erik Alexander
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| · Influence of the integration of ICT to the learning of secondary school students Verástegui Gutiérrez, Leví; Rodríguez Ahuanari, Ricardina
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| · The academic habitus of students in the Mexican high school system: a quantitative approach to its construction Vasquez Feria, Alim Getze Mani Eden; Suárez Domínguez, José Luis; Jiménez García, Silvia
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| · Relevance of socio-emotional skills in current educational leadership: reflections from experts Aranda Meyer, Carolina; Luque, Leticia Elizabeth
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| · University faculty beliefs about technologies and education: a correspondence study Benavides Lara, Mario Alberto; Rendón Cazales, Víctor Jesús; Sánchez Mendiola, Melchor
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| · Pedagogical reflection from the corporal aspect of the Nucleus of Corporality and Movement, Chile Villar-Cavieres, Natalia; Faúndez-Casanova, César; Flores-Castañón, Mariana; González, Lorena Garrido
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| · A journey towards inclusion: participatory institutional self-study processes in a Chilean municipal school Figueroa-Céspedes, Ignacio; Fica-Pinol, Esteban; Soto-Cárcamo, Jorge; Rodríguez, Beatriz; Quezada, Maritza
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