| Table of contents Cuad. Investig. Educ. vol.13 no.1 Montevideo June 2022 Articles | | | | · Presentation Vaillant, Denise
| | | | · Teachers´ work recognition Uruguay: new approaches and evidence Rivero, Leonel; Ferrando, Fiorella
| | | | · Model to support the academic progression of online students Romero Alonso, Rosa Eliana; Anzola Vera, Juan José
| | | | · Pandemic and learning experiences in secondary schools from Río Cuarto (Argentina) Elisondo, Romina Cecilia; de la Barrera, María Laura
| | | | · Development of empathy in university students from economic area Cid Gutiérrez, Sebastián; Urrutia, Mabel
| | | | · Technical school and work in Argentina: policies, practices and knowledge at stake Fernández, Natalia Noemí
| | | | · Postgraduate training in adapted physical activity in Uruguay: inputs for a review Rubinstein, Sofía; Franco, Vanessa
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