| Table of contents Cuad. Investig. Educ. vol.10 no.2 Montevideo Dec. 2019 Editorial | | | | · Introduction Vaillant, Denise
| | | Articles | | | | · Neurodidactic strategies, satisfaction and academic performance of university students Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Tacca Huamán, Ana Luisa; Alva Rodriguez, Miguel Angel
| | | | · Understanding the best students. A look beyond teaching Rubinsztejn Goldfarb, Gustavo; Grijalvo Martín, Mercedes; Rivera-Torres, Pilar; Araújo Cazeres, Luis
| | | | · Affective formation in the Preschool Education of Chile Mujica Johnson, Felipe; Toro Oyarzún, Maritza Angélica
| | | | · Drop-outs in Engineering courses. A study of the academic, socio-demographic, vital and work aspects Moreno, Jacqueline Elizabet; Chiecher, Analía Claudia
| | | | · The concept of emerging debate as a resource for the inclusion of intercultural competences in the initial teacher training in Chile Cubillos Alfaro, Froilán; Romero Zamora, Benjamín; Navarro, Juan José
| | | | · School climate in Uruguay. An exploratory analysis of PISA 2012 cohort Rivero, Leonel
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