| Table of contents Cuad. Investig. Educ. vol.6 no.1 Montevideo June 2015 Introduction | | | | | | | Research topics | | | | · Some considerations on the use of XO as a teaching tool: perceptions and attitudes of high-school History teachers López Filardo, María Guadalupe
| | | | · The pertinence of education from the students’ perception in a Mexican State university Hernández, Juan Manuel; Rodríguez, Javier
| | | | · Rural schools: opportunities for innovation Peirano R., Claudia; Estévez S., Swapna Puni; Astorga, María Isabel
| | | | · Effectiveness of group coaching on the development of self-regulated learning in engineering students Rodríguez Pascual, Leonor Patricia; Martínez Rosillo, Víctor Manuel
| | | | · Methodology for developing the profile of the pedagogical counselor in basic education Cordero Arroyo, Graciela; Vázquez Cruz, María del Ángel; Luna Serrano, Edna
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