| Table of contents Psicol. Conoc. Soc. vol.11 no.2 Montevideo 2021 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Curione, Karina; Bacci, Pilar; Cabana, Álvaro; Camparo, Daniel; Chávez, Jorge; Silva, Mónica Da; Fernández Theoduloz, Gabriela; Romano, Javier
| | | Trabajos originales | | | | · Feeling of insecurity about delinquency in junior high school students Almanza Avendaño, Ariagor Manuel; Gómez San Luis, Anel Hortensia; Chapa Romero, Ana Celia
| | | | · Adaptation of a scale to evaluate contact between citizens of different social class from Gran Córdoba (Argentina) Correa, Pablo; Brussino, Silvina; Reyna, Cecilia
| | | | · Validation of the factorial structure of the Procrastination Scale in Brazilian university students Moura, Giovanna Barroca de; Paiva, Tamyres Tomaz; Dominguez-Lara, Sergio
| | | | · Construction identity in severe mental disorder: discursive study on Radio Nikosia Pardo, Carmen Rojo
| | | | · Yesavage’s Geriatric Depression Questionnaire (GDS-VE): Analysis of its internal structure in older adults living in Buenos Aires, Argentina Tartaglini, María Florencia; Hermida, Paula Daniela; Ofman, Silvia Deborah; Feldberg, Carolina; Freiberg-Hoffmann, Agustín
| | | | · Beliefs in conspiracy theories in university students: An explanation based on personality traits Rezende, Alessandro Teixeira; Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso; Soares, Ana Karla Silva; Moizéis, Heloísa Bárbara Cunha
| | | Revisiones | | | | · Analysis of social networks in the field of work psychology: methodological reflections Carvalho, Renata Guimarães de; Braga, Natalia Lopes; Maciel, Regina Heloisa; Rocha, Tereza Glaucia; Martins, José Wilton Lima
| | | | · The psychologist's action in the CRAS: a systematic review of the literature Sousa, Kairon Pereira de Araujo; Medeiros, Emerson Diógenes de; Silva, Paulo Gregório Nascimento da
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