| Table of contents Veterinaria (Montev.) vol.51 no.200 Montevideo Dec. 2015 Original articles | | | | · Necrotizing Meningoencephalitis of Pug: first report in Uruguay Delucchi, L; Feijóo, G; Romero, A; Quinteros, C; Fumagalli, F; Rodríguez, C; Dutra, F
| | | | · MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease) in Polled Hereford and Polled Hereford x Shorthorn crosses in calves in Uruguay Dutra, F; Romero, A; Quinteros, C; Kelly, L
| | | | · Evaluation of two formulations of progesterone in HeatSynch protocols in lactating Holstein cows in a pasture-based system Martínez, M; Gil, J; Costa, G; Pombo, I; Peñagaricano, J; Lutz, M; Freire, A; Cavestany, D
| | | | · Phenotypic associations between mean fiber diameter and its variability with other fleece characteristics in Corriedale Neimaur, K; Sienra, I; Kremer, R; Sánchez, A; Urioste, JI
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