| Table of contents Arch. Med Int vol.35 no.3 Montevideo Dec. 2013 Editorial | | | | · Sociedad de Medicina Interna del Uruguay Goñi, Mabel; Perendones, Mercedes; Ormachea, Gabriela
| | | Articles | | | | · Level of disease awareness in a cohort of patients with heart failure Silvera, Gabriela; Chamorro, Cristina; Silveira, Anaulina; Ormaechea, Gabriela; Álvarez, Pablo
| | | | · Reactive Protein C as a predictor of the course of
Community-Acquired Acute Pneumonia De Los Santos, Ernesto; Quijano, Ana Laura; Castrillón, Carolina; Grille, Sofía; Frugon, Fiorella; Mariño, Nicolás
| | | Revision | | | | · Transient elastometry of the liver.: New diagnostic technique in hepatology.
| | | | · Mental Awareness Impairment in the Emergency Room
| | | | · Moderate and Severe Psoriasis Vulgaris: therapy options(conventional therapies) Martínez, Miguel; Levrero, Patricia; Carusso, Rosanna; Morales, Cristian; Arretche, Valeria; Nicola, Andrea; Fossati, Mercedes; Cueto, Mariela; Dorado, Natalia; García, Cecilia; Guebenlian, Claudia; Restano, Macarena
| | | Clinical Cases | | | | · Family Mediterranean Fever - case description De Armas, Fabiana; Díaz Berenguer, Álvaro; Raggio, Víctor; Dufrechou, Carlos; Goja, Beatriz
| | | Articles | | | | · Clinical and imaging issues - Marchiafava-Bignami’s disease, case report De Armas, Fabiana; Salamano, Ronald; Martínez, María; Telis, Osmar; Meerovich, Ethel
| | | Medicina y sociedad | | | | · On alcohol, marijuana and other stuff Díaz Berenguer, Álvaro
| | | | · An introduction to the pharmacological and
therapeutic profile of marijuana Tamosiunas, Gustavo; Pagano, Emiliano; Artagaveytia, Pía
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Conscientious objection: a right that entails accountability Alonso, Omar; Torres, Jorge
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