| Table of contents Arch. Med Int vol.32 no.1 Montevideo Mar. 2010 Editorial | | | | | | | Editorial comment | | | | | | | Articles | | | | · NT-Pro BNP: Biologic marker used for the monitoring of the clinical status and therapy guideline in outpatients with advanced heart failure Acle, Santiago; Valverde, Marcelo; Ormaechea, Gabriela; Grupo UMIC
| | | | · Infectious Spondylodiscitis In the Hospital de Clínicas: Analysis of 10 cases - 1997-2007 period Danza Galdo, Álvaro; Roca Errandonea, Federico; Batista Rago, Ignacio
| | | | · Eosinophilic esophagitis in the adult: presentation of 5 cases Sanguinetti, Alberto; González, Nicolás; Pérez-Gatto, Jorge; Taullard, Daniel
| | | Conference | | | | · Treatment of neuropathic pain Laura Quijano, Ana; José Montes, María; Retamoso, Irene
| | | Case report | | | | · Disseminated Skin Herpes Zoster in a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Silvariño, Ricardo; Tafuri, Josefina; Mérola, Valentina; Romero, Cecilia; Alonso, Juan
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