Original Articles |
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| · School Subjective Well-Being Scale (EBESE): development and validation of an education assessment measure Dias-Viana, João Lucas; Porto Noronha, Ana Paula
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| · Jealousy and intimate partner violence in students of the University of Cuenca, Ecuador Guillén Verdesoto, Ximena; Ochoa Balarezo, Juana; Delucchi, Gustavo; León Mayer, Elizabeth; Folino, Jorge
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| · Experiences of families with autistic children: an integrative literature review Braga dos Anjos, Brenna; Araújo de Morais, Normanda
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| · The marital relationship from the perspective of couples Zanella Delatorre, Marina; Wagner, Adriana
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| · Neuromyth prevalence in teachers at the University of Cienfuegos Jiménez Pérez, Elena Hatty; Calzadilla-Pérez, Oscar Ovidio
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| · Attention and visuospatial reasoning in high-performance volleyball players Prado Serenini, Antonio Luiz; Rueda, Fabián J. M.; Moreno, María Perla
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| · Strengths of character: evidence from a scale and prevalence in the Brazilian Northeast Neves Couto, Ricardo; Nunes da Fonsêca, Patrícia; Nascimento da Silva, Paulo Gregório; Cavalcante Bezerra de Medeiros, Paloma
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| · Grooming online, sexting and emotional problems in Argentinean adolescents Resett, Santiago
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| · Parent Group: ACT Program participants new learnings Abreu Pereira Oliveira, Joyce Lúcia; Fiorini, Milena Carolina; Guisso, Luciane; Vieira, Mauro Luís; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida
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| · ZICAP II Scale: Parental Alienation Assessment in 9 to 15 years-old children of separated parents in Chile Zicavo Martínez, Nelson; Rey Clericus, Ricardo; Ponce, Luciano
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| · Social representation of obesity: an analysis with students of middle and university education de Sousa Bezerra de Menezes, Thaís; Carneiro Maciel, Silvana; Faro, André; Lourenço da Silva, Larissa; Vasconcelos Dias, Camila Cristina
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| · Positive body image and social networks in adult population of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires Berri, Pablo Alejandro; Góngora, Vanesa Carina
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| · Factor validity with robust estimation of the Scale of Perceived Self-efficacy Specific to Academic Situations (Eapesa) in Ecuadorian university students Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Montes de Oca, Carmen; Navarro Cuellar, Luís Fernando; Villegas Villacrés, Narciza
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| · Preliminary study of the psychometric properties of the Positive Psychological Functioning Scale in a sample of Uruguayan adolescents Portela, Mayda
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| · Importance and Perception of the Character Strengths Scale: psychometric evidence in professors Martins Guerra, Valeschka; Alves Freires, Leogildo; Lourenço Cintra, Clarisse; Bastos Cacciari, Marcella; Ferreira Vieira Castello, Naiara
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| · Attitude towards mathematics of fifth grade primary school students and self-efficacy of teachers Segarra, Jaime; Julià, Carme
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| · Use of internet and social media by university students: an emerging study field Fermann, Ilana Luiz; Ledur, Bianca; Ribeiro Beneton, Emanueli; Schmitt, Marina; Goulart Chaves, Juliana; Andretta, Ilana
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| · Psychometric Properties of the Family Support Perception Inventory (IPSF) Viana Batista, Helder Henrique; Pereira Gonçalves, André; Celi Pallini, Ana; de Britto Campos, Andréia Maria; Nunes Baptista, Makilim
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| · Evidence of structure and internal consistency of the Risk Inventory Suicidal Adolescent (IRISA) in Uruguay population Machado, Ana Inés; Bobbio, Antonella; Arbach, Karin; Parra, Alfredo; Riestra, Claudia; Hernández-Cervantes, Quetzalcoátl
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Communication |
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| · From the Athens's plague to the pink plague: the history of pandemics before COVID-19 Rodríguez Ceberio, Marcelo
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